PINY: Institute of New York follows Michelle Fairchild, a humble 14-year-old designer who is interested in fashion and dreams of making it big in the “fashion world.” One day she gets offered an interview from PINY for a fully funded position in their class. After making a rocky first impression on the headmistress, Madame Forbes, she still gets accepted in PINY. Once she gets there, she meets her roommates Tasha Robinson, a faithful self-confident singer, and Lilith Henderson, an elegant and charming scientist, who she eventually becomes friends with as they form the Indie Girls team. However, Michelle is also placed one room across from the room of Julia Cooper, the spoiled leader of the Beautiful People, and Dory and Rita, her loyal assistants. Julia plans on eliminating and humiliating Michelle and the Indie Girls.
Genres: Animated television series Comedy-drama
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